
class gpgme.Context

Configuration and internal state for cryptographic operations.

This is the main class of gpgme. The constructor takes no arguments:

ctx = gpgme.Context()

Property indicating whether output should be ASCII-armored or not. Used by Context.encrypt(), Context.encrypt_sign(), and Context.sign().

decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext)

Decrypts the ciphertext and writes out the plaintext.

To decrypt data, you must have one of the recipients’ private keys in your keyring (for public key encryption) or the passphrase (for symmetric encryption). If gpg finds the key but needs a passphrase to unlock it, the .passphrase_cb callback will be used to ask for it.

  • ciphertext – A file-like object opened for reading, containing the encrypted data.
  • plaintext – A file-like object opened for writing, where the decrypted data will be written.

See also Context.decrypt_verify() and Context.encrypt().

decrypt_verify(ciphertext, plaintext)

Decrypt ciphertext and verify signatures.

Like Context.decrypt(), but also checks the signatures of the ciphertext.

Returns:A list of Signature instances (one for each key that was used in the signature). Note that you need to inspect the return value to check whether the signatures are valid – a syntactically correct but invalid signature does not raise an error!

See also Context.encrypt_sign().

delete(key, allow_secret=False)
encrypt(recipients, flags, plaintext, ciphertext)

Encrypts plaintext so it can only be read by the given recipients.

  • recipients – A list of Key objects. Only people in possession of the corresponding private key (for public key encryption) or passphrase (for symmetric encryption) will be able to decrypt the result.
  • flags – A bitwise OR combination of ENCRYPT_* constants.
  • plaintext – A file-like object opened for reading, containing the data to be encrypted.
  • ciphertext – A file-like object opened for writing, where the encrypted data will be written. If Context.armor is false then this file should be opened in binary mode.

See also Context.encrypt_sign() and Context.decrypt().

encrypt_sign(recipients, flags, plaintext, ciphertext)

Encrypt and sign plaintext.

Works like Context.encrypt(), but the ciphertext is also signed using all keys listed in Context.signers.

Returns:A list of NewSignature instances (one for each key in Context.signers).

See also Context.decrypt_verify().

genkey(params, public=None, secret=None)

Generate a new key pair.

The functionality of this method depends on the crypto backend set via Context.protocol. This documentation only covers PGP/GPG (i.e. PROTOCOL_OpenPGP).

The generated key pair is automatically added to the key ring. Use Context.set_engine_info() to configure the location of the key ring files.

  • params

    A string containing the parameters for key generation. The general syntax is as follows:

    <GnupgKeyParms format="internal">
        Key-Type: RSA
        Key-Length: 2048
        Name-Real: Jim Joe
        Passphrase: secret passphrase
        Expire-Date: 0

    For a detailed listing of the available options please refer to the GPG key generation documentation.

  • public – Must be None.
  • secret – Must be None.

An instance of gpgme.GenkeyResult.

get_key(fingerprint, secret=False)

Finds a key with the given fingerprint (a string of hex digits) in the user’s keyring.

  • fingerprint – Fingerprint of the key to look for
  • secret – If true, only private keys will be returned.

If no key can be found, raises GpgmeError.

Returns:A Key instance.
keylist(query=None, secret=False)

Searches for keys matching the given pattern(s).

  • query – If None or not supplied, the KeyIter fetches all available keys. If a string, it fetches keys matching the given pattern (such as a name or email address). If a sequence of strings, it fetches keys matching at least one of the given patterns.
  • secret – If true, only secret keys will be returned.

A KeyIter instance.


Default key listing behavior.

Controls which keys Context.keylist() returns. The value is a bitwise OR combination of one or multiple of the KEYLIST_MODE_* constants. Defaults to KEYLIST_MODE_LOCAL.


The protocol used for talking to the backend. Accepted values are one of the PROTOCOL_* constants.

set_engine_info(protocol, executable, config_dir)

Configure a crypto backend.

Updates the configuration of the crypto backend for the given protocol. If this function is used then it must be called before any crypto operation is performed on the context.

  • protocol – One of the PROTOCOL_* constants specifying which crypto backend is to be configured. Note that this does not change which crypto backend is actually used, see Context.protocol for that.
  • executable – The path to the executable implementing the protocol. If None then the default will be used.
  • config_dir – The path of the configuration directory of the crypto backend. If None then the default will be used.
sign(plaintext, signed, mode=gpgme.SIG_MODE_NORMAL)

Sign plaintext to certify and timestamp it.

The plaintext is signed using all keys listed in Context.signers.

  • plaintext – A file-like object opened for reading, containing the plaintext to be signed.
  • signed – A file-like object opened for writing, where the signature data will be written. The signature data may contain the plaintext or not, see the mode parameter. If Context.armor is false and mode is not SIG_MODE_CLEAR then the file should be opened in binary mode.
  • mode – One of the SIG_MODE_* constants.

A list of NewSignature instances (one for each key in Context.signers).


List of Key instances used for signing with sign() and encrypt_sign().

verify(signature, signedtext, plaintext)

Verify signature(s) and extract plaintext.

signature is a file-like object opened for reading, containing the signature data.

If signature is a normal or cleartext signature (i.e. created using SIG_MODE_NORMAL or SIG_MODE_CLEAR) then signedtext must be None and plaintext a file-like object opened for writing that will contain the extracted plaintext.

If signature is a detached signature (i.e. created using SIG_MODE_DETACHED) then signedtext should contain a file-like object opened for reading containing the signed text and plaintext must be None.

Returns:A list of Signature instances (one for each key that was used in signature). Note that you need to inspect the return value to check whether the signatures are valid – a syntactically correct but invalid signature does not raise an error!


class gpgme.GenkeyResult

Key generation result.

Instances of this class are usually obtained as the return value of Context.genkey().


String containing the fingerprint of the generated key. If both a primary and a subkey were generated then this is the fingerprint of the primary key. For crypto backends that do not provide key fingerprints this is None.


True if a primary key was generated.


True if a sub key was generated.


class gpgme.Key

True if the key has been revoked.


True if the key has expired.


True if the key is disabled.


True if the key is invalid. This might have several reasons. For example, for the S/MIME backend it will be set during key listing if the key could not be validated due to a missing certificates or unmatched policies.


True if the key (i.e. one of its subkeys) can be used for encryption.


True if the key (i.e. one of its subkeys) can be used to create signatures.


True if the key (i.e. one of its subkeys) can be used to create key certificates.


True if the key is a secret key. Note that this will always be true even if the corresponding subkey flag may be false (offline/stub keys). This is only set if a listing of secret keys has been requested or if KEYLIST_MODE_WITH_SECRET is active.


True if the key (i.e. one of its subkeys) can be used for authentication.


The protocol supported by this key. See the PROTOCOL_* constants.


If Key.protocol is PROTOCOL_CMS then this is the issuer serial.


If Key.protocol is PROTOCOL_CMS then this is the issuer name.


If Key.protocol is PROTOCOL_CMS then this is the chain ID, which can be used to built the certificate chain.


If Key.protocol is PROTOCOL_OpenPGP then this is the owner trust.


List of the key’s subkeys as instances of Subkey. The first subkey in the list is the primary key and usually available.


List of the key’s user IDs as instances of UserId. The first user ID in the list is the main (or primary) user ID.


The keylist mode that was active when the key was retrieved. See Context.keylist_mode.


class gpgme.NewSignature

Data for newly created signatures.

Instances of this class are usually obtained as the result value of Context.sign() or Context.encrypt_sign().


class gpgme.Signature

Signature verification data.

Instances of this class are usually obtained as the return value of Context.verify() or Context.decrypt_verify().


Expiration timestamp of the signature, or 0 if the signature does not expire.


Fingerprint string.


A list of notation data in the form of tuples (name, value).


If an error occurred during verification (for example because the signature is not valid) then this attribute contains a corresponding GpgmeError instance. Otherwise it is None.


A bit array encoded as an integer containing general information about the signature. Combine this value with one of the SIGSUM_* constants using bitwise AND.


Creation timestamp of the signature.


Validity of the signature. See Signature.validity_reason.


If a signature is not valid this may provide a reason why. See Signature.validity.


True if the key was not used according to its policy.

Helper Objects

Stuff that’s mostly used internally, but it’s good to know it’s there.

class gpgme.KeyIter

Iterable yielding Key instances for keylist results.


Version string of libgpgme used to build this module.

class gpgme.GpgmeError
class gpgme.ImportResult
class gpgme.KeySig
class gpgme.Subkey
class gpgme.UserId


Protocol Selection

The following constants can be used as value for Context.protocol. They are also returned via Key.protocol.


This specifies the OpenPGP protocol.


This specifies the Cryptographic Message Syntax.


[1] Under development. Please ask on for help.


[1] Under development. Please ask on for help.


[1] Under development. Please ask on for help.


[1] Special protocol for use with gpgme_op_spawn.


[1] Reserved for future extension. You may use this to indicate that the used protocol is not known to the application. Currently, GPGME does not accept this value in any operation, though, except for gpgme_get_protocol_name.

Key Listing Mode

Bitwise OR combinations of the following constants can be used as values for Context.keylist_mode.


Specifies that the local keyring should be searched. This is the default.


Specifies that an external source should be searched. The type of external source is dependant on the crypto engine used and whether it is combined with KEYLIST_MODE_LOCAL. For example, it can be a remote keyserver or LDAP certificate server.


Specifies that the key signatures should be included in the listed keys.


[1] Specifies that the signature notations on key signatures should be included in the listed keys. This only works if KEYLIST_MODE_SIGS is also enabled.


[1] Returns information about the presence of a corresponding secret key in a public key listing. A public key listing with this mode is slower than a standard listing but can be used instead of a second run to list the secret keys. This is only supported for GnuPG versions >= 2.1.


[1] Specifies that keys flagged as ephemeral are included in the listing.


[1] Specifies that the backend should do key or certificate validation and not just get the validity information from an internal cache. This might be an expensive operation and is in general not useful. Currently only implemented for the S/MIME backend and ignored for other backends.

Encryption Flags

Bitwise OR combinations of the following constants can be used for the flags parameter of Context.encrypt() and Context.encrypt_sign().


Specifies that all the recipients in recp should be trusted, even if the keys do not have a high enough validity in the keyring. This flag should be used with care; in general it is not a good idea to use any untrusted keys.


[1] Specifies that no default or hidden default recipients as configured in the crypto backend should be included. This can be useful for managing different user profiles.


[1] Specifies that the plaintext shall not be compressed before it is encrypted. This is in some cases useful if the length of the encrypted message may reveal information about the plaintext.


[1] Used with the UI Server protocol to prepare an encryption.


[1] Used with the UI Server protocol to advise the UI server to expect a sign command.

Signing Modes

The following constants can be used for the mode parameter of Context.sign().


A normal signature is made, the output includes the plaintext and the signature. Context.armor is respected.


A detached signature is created. Context.armor is respected.


A cleartext signature is created. Context.armor is ignored.

Signature Verification

The following bit masks can be used to extract individual bits from Signature.summary using bitwise AND.


The signature is fully valid.


The signature is good but one might want to display some extra information. Check the other bits.


The signature is bad. It might be useful to check other bits and display more information, i.e. a revoked certificate might not render a signature invalid when the message was received prior to the cause for the revocation.


The key or at least one certificate has been revoked.


The key or one of the certificates has expired.


The signature has expired.


Can’t verify due to a missing key or certificate.


The certificate revocation list (or an equivalent mechanism) is not available.


The available certificate revocation list is too old.


A policy requirement was not met.


A system error occured.

[1](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) This constant is defined by the gpgme library, but is currently missing in pygpgme.